"Tom" and "Jerry" historic genius consists of 161 episodes animated cartoons comedies, produced in 1940 to 1967 for the cinema, and won Oscars, which show the conflict between cat "Tom" and mouse "Jerry", and is considered (Joseph Barbera) innovative my character animation famous private with Tom and Jerry (William Hannah), who was his partner, and to return the ancient Pharaonic civilization, we find it is the first innovative For the personal and the historical idea of the famous cartoon, "Tom" and "Jerry".
History Pharaonic first to monitor the conflict between cat and mouse The following monitor parameters that Pharaonic history which is the first of monitoring the conflict raging between the "cat and mouse", as it is to come back to 3,000 years ago in the Pharaonic history, we find that the conflict between the cat and mouse was present in literature People Pharaonic where he arrived to the stage of reverence for animals in this ancient history.
5 Egyptologists foreigners: Egyptians knew (Tom and Jerry) before more than 3,300 years and the first evidence that spotted "cat and mouse" the conflict in the ancient Pharaonic history, what monitoring 5 British Egyptologists, who are all from the "Jean Doris - NFL Lyonnais - AA S. Edwards - Jean Yu Yuet - Serge Sonron "in the historical encyclopedia of their own, which bore the name (Dictionary of ancient Egyptian civilization), and stated where the Egyptians knew (Tom and Jerry) before more than 3,300 years, stressing that it was always no conflict and the conflict between" the cat and mouse "where they found during their study of the history of the Pharaonic many pictures drawn on the Aloostraka and papyrus, and written on it" becomes Cat Abdhldy Madame mouse "and attacking an army of mice trapped cats poor band Ventsr it. Egyptian scientist confirms the appearance fee of cat and mouse in 1300 before BC The Egyptian scientists, led archaeological Egyptian "Ahmed Saleh Abdullah" actually stand firm that the first appearance of a cartoon (cat and mouse) dating back to 1300 BC, and is similar to Egyptian history Pharaonic conflict between "the cat and mouse "struggle" King and the People "was symbolized by the cat to the king, and was symbolized by the mouse to the people, and had originated Egyptians worship of animals before the year 3000 BC. Cat in the Pharaonic history more animals pilgrimage is the cat of more animals pilgrimage and a male in the texts and stories Pharaonic recorded on the walls of tombs of ancient Egyptian temples, and told that the texts and images carefully painted that Egypt is known species of wild cats called "Shaws" since prehistoric times, He was always seen near the edge of the desert was "Shaws" short tail and full of the body hunter fierce and inclined to attack all the time, and also the "Great Cat" mentioned in the Book of the Dead as "Old very foot object Shamsi and it protects people and tearing Viper evil Arba down the trunk of the sacred tree "The Egyptian cat pet friendly pleaser Fterdja his first reference to about the year 2100 BC, it was brought pet cat which many people numbering in the Pharaonic State and became a god to them, and set up a temple known as the Temple of the cat in" Bobasith "area any" Tel Basta "province East of the West and the South as a rare masterpiece.
Cats Europe entered through the gate of Egypt if we went back in time to separate and thin, we find that "cat" came to Europe via Egypt through Greece _ who astonished reverence for the ancient Egyptians to Animals Many of specialists in animal science and believed that cats English lurking on rooftops descend from strain Egyptian cats.
By: Youm7